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Ski Boot Sport Grip’s #1 New Ski Accessory

The Founder

John Weakley

Founder and owner of Ski Boot Sport Grip LLC, an innovative new company that designed and developed this original patented ski boot removal device. His product was created with passion and devotion, focusing on helping all levels of skiers remove their ski boots with ease.

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Developed by skiers for skiers

Ski Boot Sport Grip is a unique device that will enable skiers to easily and safely remove their ski boots without the struggle or assistance of others.


Manufactured in Colorado

Made out of strong yet light weight polymer blend.

One-of-a-kind must have ski accessory

Compact design easily fits in a locker or backpack.

Other Uses

The Ski Boot Sport Grip can also be used to remove snowboarding boots, in-line roller skates, ice skates, various ATV boots, and other outdoor hiking/climbing footwear.

U.S. Distributors

